Article critical analysis using Gibbs’ Cycle

Article critical analysis using Gibbs’ Cycle.

Critical analysis of the article assigned using Gibbs’ Cycle within 3 hours.

Link the article with course understanding from chapters 1 to 8 in the attached PDF text. The article topic will be given on 18th July 10:50 AM EST.

Number of pages: 4

Format: APA

References: Not required since paper will be written based on understanding from text book.

The paper should consists the following parts: I also attached Gibbs cycle format

1. Introduction:  Introduction should briefly announce main goals of your essay, mentioning Gibbs Cycle and the original article

2. Description: Should be brief (3 to 4 sentences)

3. Feelings: a) Before situation b) Within situation c) From today’s situation(each section 2 sentences)

4. Evaluation: What went right and what went wrong in situation.

5. Analysis: This part should be 50% of the paper. Explains what happened, why it happened, cover at least 5 mistakes happened and how they could have been handled

6.Conclusion: Summarize all previous parts with main focus on parts 4 and 5.

7. Action Plan: What we can do in future

8. Final conclusion: Please refer Gibbs Cycle pdf.

Article critical analysis using Gibbs’ Cycle