critical response discussion 3

critical response discussion 3.

Now that you have read Chapters I-III of Watchmen, it’s time to take a deep dive by referring back to the ideas you read about in the five critical articles: gender, Marxist, psychological, historical, and eco-critical. Below is a chart that you will fill out. In this chart, you will make a claim about the story thus far and use evidence from the text to support this claim. The more effort you put into this assignment, the more likely you will be able to use the information from it for that essay. Below there is a student sample version to help you understand what you are supposed to be doing. However, please use this sample as an aid, and do not attempt to merely copy the information in your own words, or you will receive a zero on this assignment. You may also want to review the Critical Approaches to Literature handout to remind yourself what each one tries to accomplish. You can also find the video of this comic on youtube.

critical response discussion 3