respond to a discussion question for history 6

respond to a discussion question for history 6.


I just want you to response to the responded question that already answered and give some thought and examples to this:

Question 2: How and why did systematic race-based slavery become deeply entrenched in the southern states by the mid-1800s? What were the realities of slavery and how did its development affect white and black southerners alike?


Long after most parts of America had developed into cities and factories, the southern states remained rural and essential for the growth of cotton. With the increased demand for cotton, there was increased need for its production at the farms and therefore there was need for more slaves. the cotton economy grew at a fast rate and so did the slaves increase in numbers. Since there land in the south was cheap, the sons of the cotton planters took advantage of this and therefore grew their territories and did their slave numbers grow ” throughout the civil war era, the south became increasingly committed to a cotton economy dependent upon slave labor” (shi, 384). Slavery had impacts on both the white and the black southerners. The reality of slavery was that it was an inhumane business that led the death if people, separation from their families, overworking, poor housing and cruel treatment. The slaves had no right and they could be bought and sold anywhere and any-time and by anyone. “They had few rights and could be bought and sold and moved at any time. (Shi 365)” The slaves were black people since due to their color, they were seen as inferior, poor and animals of burden. The white population became dependent on slaves and their services. the slave owners practiced prostitution with the slaves hence impregnating them. the slaves played a vital role in developing and sustaining the southern economy as without them, the large amounts of cotton could not be produced.


Shi, D. E., & Tindall, G. B. (2016). America: A narrative history. WW Norton & Company.


respond to a discussion question for history 6