Nursing diagnoses and patient education & Pathophysiology & pharmacology of cardiac disease

Nursing diagnoses and patient education & Pathophysiology & pharmacology of cardiac disease.

Nursing diagnoses and patient education & Pathophysiology & pharmacology of cardiac disease

Nursing diagnoses and patient education & Pathophysiology & pharmacology of cardiac disease
Proficient Strong Satisfactory Weak Unacceptable Further comment
Section 1. Evaluation of Thinking
These three criteria (content and focus; analysis and critical thinking, logic and flow select from the 5 possible scores (representing strong, proficient, satisfactory, weak or unacceptable respectively) The paper presented will address 4 questions, each question is worth10 marks (x2 Nursing & x2 Science). All elements of this assessment rubric will be considered when allocating each question grade

Focus on thinking Content and focus
LO 1-5


Successfully demonstrates expert application of knowledge; provides succinct, relevant and clear education plan and strategies; essay thoroughly reviews and integrates current and relevant literature; Demonstrates solid application of knowledge with only minor digressions; provides, relevant and clear education plan and strategies; essay sufficiently integrates current and relevant reviews literature;

Nursing diagnoses and patient education & Pathophysiology & pharmacology of cardiac disease