write a comprehensive survey cyber crime transaction fraud 10 15 pages

write a comprehensive survey cyber crime transaction fraud 10 15 pages.

Write a comprehensive survey Cyber Crime: Transaction Fraud (10 – 15 pages)

Everything is explained below. I am going to need the references next Wednesday. Also, I am going to need the outline but not next week. I have a sample of the paper, references, and the outline. Let me know if you need to see them.


Summarize key current issues and recent development

o use references dated 2012 or later

● Outcome o Survey paper suitable for publication in a magazine, journal, or conference

● Avoid copyright violations o re-draw all figures, cannot copy any part of figure


● Ignore entries that exclude topic or similar words in the title. List others in the following format:

o Author, “Title,” publisher, year, ISBN. (for books)

o “Title,” URL [One line description] (for web pages)

o Author, “Title,” source (for technical/magazine articles)

● For the books, include whether the book is available at Safari, or elsewhere

● Consider entries dates 2012 or later.

● Serially number the references and submit



● Read abstract and stop if irrelevant

● Underline the key points in the paper

● Write the key summary on the first page of the paper

● Prepare a text document with the key ideas

o Keep adding to this text document from different papers with [refs, page, paragraph]

o Import the text document in PowerPoint

o Add figures and clean up the outline

o Like getting ready to make a presentation to the class

● Use Mind Maps

● Add an appendix with all abbreviations

● Add a list or discussion of related products


● Edit

o Check all acronyms. All acronyms should be defined on first use.

o Check capitalization. No unnecessary capitalization. Headers are usually capitalized.

o Spell Check entire document.

o K=1024, k=1000. Disk storage is measured in KB, network link speeds are measured in kb. kbps not Kbps.

o Leave a space between numbers and units, e.g., 15 km not 15km.

o Look for special characters

o American English: Signaling, Synchronization

o Check for continuity

o Break long paragraphs.

● Single space between paragraphs.

● The paper should be 10-15 pages long

● If you copy any figures, give reference and credit

Writing Style:

● Readers want to get to the information fast. Keep the nonessential stuff at the end.

● Check thoroughly for grammar and spelling.

● Avoid excessive use of abbreviations.

● Be consistent in case and usage: MOBILE, Mobile, mobile

● Use Diamond Writing Style

o Each paper should start with an introduction and end with a summary

o Each section should start with a short introduction and end with a summary with a lead in to the next section. The same applies to subsections.

o All subsections should be of comparable length.


● Every paper should have an introduction and a summary.

● Divide paper into sections.

● Every section should have a lead-in paragraph. [4]

● Header level should correspond to the level in table of contents.

● Outline

o Title

o Author

o Abstract

o Keywords

o Table of Contents

o Introduction

o Other Sections

o Summary

o References

o List of Acronyms


● Title o Based on Table of contents

o Searchable

● Abstract

o Based on Table of Contents

o 3-7 sentences

o Emphasize what part of course was used in the paper

● Key Search words

o Based on Table of contents

o Acronyms and full names

● Description

o One line based on ToC and Abstract

Table of Contents:

● Sections and subsections

Numbering n..n

● 3– 7 subsections per section

● 3– 7 sections per paper

● Include one first and 2nd level headers n. and n.n

o Exclude 3rd and higher levels, e.g., n.n.n


● Explain what the topic is about.

Other Sections:

● Each section less than 3 pages.

● Each section needs at least one introductory

● paragraph. Do not start with a subsection.

● Each subsection at least 1 paragraph.

● All sections/subsections should be numbered n./n.n

● If you borrowed several sentences from some source, italicize the text and indicate the source.

● Never write a sentence with the original source in front of you. This will block you from writing it in your own words. Write ideas from source, merge ideas from different sources, and then write the ideas in your own words.

● Always include citations for sources of ideas even if the expression is yours.

● Redraw the line drawings. Avoid copy and paste as much as possible (e.g., for photographs).

● If there is no author, e.g., a web page, use the site name followed by a number, e.g., [wikipedia02] in the body of the text, with full title and url in the reference list.

● If multiple papers in the same year from the same last name, use [lastnameyya] [lastnameyyb],… in the text.


● One or more sentences about the each issue

● Based on Table of Contents

Key lessons


● Style of References

● Author(s), “Title,” Source, date, pages, url

● Order in the most important first

● Find URL for published papers

● Remove references that are useless.

● [Authoryy] notation.

● Exception: Standards, company documents, RFCs.

List of Acronyms:

● Search the text

● Define on first use

● Avoid acronym use if used less than 5 times.

● Exception: Commonly used acronyms, e.g., CPU, I/O, IP, …


● All figures should be numbered 1, 2, …

● All tables should be numbered 1, 2, …

● All figures should have a title below the figure

● All tables should have a title above the table

● All figures/tables should be referenced in the text and explained.

● Should be placed close to their references.

● To prepare figures in Windows use blank slides in PowerPoint using the font sizes to be used in the paper. Group the figure as one object. Copy and use paste special as “Enhanced Windows Metafile (EMF)” for best quality.

● Do not rescale figures in Word. Rescaling the fonts reduces their quality.

Common Mistakes:

● No Figures

● Figure/equations fonts too large

● Figures with no title or number or reference

● Figures/tables overflowing the margins

● References with no annotation

● References not cited

● Key pieces of information w/o references

● Tables w/o references

● Papers too short

● No comparison of different alternatives

● No Acronyms

● No summary

● Incorrect reference style

● No keywords

write a comprehensive survey cyber crime transaction fraud 10 15 pages