Characteristics of American culture

Characteristics of American culture.

Watch the video on Characteristics of American culture. Some of the items on this list are facts and statistics. Others are assertions about Americans or America. The video is made for people from other countries who will be coming to America as a student or visitor. Which of the items listed do you feel are truly representative of American culture? Which do you disagree with and why? Are there items that you feel are missing that you think a person who has never been to America before should know? After writing this portion, re-watch the video and think about which items may not represent all Americans. Do the characteristics of Americans match with all Ethnic Minority groups in the United States? Are there social norms that are different when you are in different communities or parts of the United States? Do they match with the way you were raised or currently behave? This essay should be one to one and a half pages in length, double-spaced. Due February 10th at 11:30pm

Hello, thank you for helping me on my essay! I am Korean, so when you writing down the essay, please write as an aspect of minority of east Asian in America.
Here are the video links:

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Characteristics of American culture