The purpose of this assignment is to provide students the opportunity to develop a healthcare improvement /quality Improvement proposal

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students the opportunity to develop a healthcare improvement /quality Improvement proposal

Quality Improvement Paper


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to provide students the opportunity to develop a healthcare improvement /quality Improvement proposal.


Clinical Issues/Problems:


Median time from ED arrival to ED departure for discharged ED patients


Content: You’re a master’s prepared nurse who has a concern about one of the clinical issues listed above. You decide to write a quality improvement proposal to address the issue in your clinical practice.


  1. Your group should agree on one of the issues listed above – hopefully it’s an issue that has been encountered in your clinical practice. (# 1 and #3 are options for NNP students only).


  1. You are part of a medium sized team practice (inpatient unit or outpatient clinic/ED). At a team meeting concerns were brought up by administrative staff concerning one of the issues you choose to address from the list above (for example: Prescribing of antibiotics for bronchitis). The issue is of concern to the team. You volunteer to head a QI effort to address the issue. How are you going to approach this problem?


  1. Write a 8 to 10 page paper that includes the following elements:
  • Establish a dedicated quality improvement team: Who do you want on your team? Will they be appointed or volunteer? How many members will be on the team, etc?


  • Establish aims/goals related to the problem (written in measurable terms)
  • Identify benchmarks and guidelines against which you want to compare your patients: identify best practices from the literature
  • Specify 2-5 outcome indicators
  • Develop a Chart Audit form. What data are going to be collected? These should relate to the goals of the QI project and the quality outcome indicators that you identified after reviewing best practices and guidelines.
  • Conclusion – brief review of key points

Helpful APA resource: Purdue Online Writing Lab at

GNRS 5349 Informatics and Quality Improvement

Grading Criteria for QI Paper

Group  # ________ Members:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________