SWE 441 Colorado Technical University Wk 4 IT Project Stakeholders Discussion


Key Assignment Draft

One of the key aspects of developing a strategy for the human elements in information technology (IT) project is to identify the roles and responsibilities of those affected by and involved with the projects. These people are called the stakeholders, and they will be the ones who determine the success of the projects. The key aspects of a project’s success include the identification of the stakeholders and planning and preparing for the strategies of communication between those stakeholders.

For this assignment, you will continue to work on the Human Elements in IT Strategy document by identifying the stakeholders and defining their roles and responsibilities within the IT projects. You will then establish a strategy for communication between these stakeholders, including the methods of communication and identification of the key artifacts of project information that must be communicated during project execution. This is the Key Assignment First Draft.

The project deliverables are as follows:

  • Update the Human Elements in IT Strategy document title page with a new date.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • IT Project Stakeholders 
    • Stakeholder Identification, Roles, and Responsibilities 
      • Create a list of the key stakeholders in your organization’s IT projects.
      • Describe the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder with respect to IT projects.
      • Summarize the issues related to the organization’s IT projects that are important to each stakeholder. 
    • Stakeholder Communication 
      • Develop a strategy for communication between the stakeholders identified in the first part of the assignment.
      • The communication strategy should identify the major communication that should occur during the project and the key artifacts that should be communicated. 
        • For example, a design document should be one of the key artifacts, and it should be communicated to specific project stakeholders.
        • A communication matrix would be appropriate for this part of the assignment. 
  • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
  • Significant work has been completed so far in the project. The sections of the Human Elements in Information Technology (IT) Strategy document that have been completed include the following:
    • Human Factors and Productivity (Week 1)
    • Success Factors in the IT Organization (Week 2)
    • People, Processes, and Technologies (Week 3)
    • IT Project Stakeholders (Week 4) 
    • The final step in developing your strategy is to examine the various layers of the organization, and identify the issues and concerns that these layers have related to the IT organization and its projects. For this assignment, you will evaluate the issues and concerns regarding IT projects at all 5 behavioral layers of the organization. These layers include the individual, team, project, organizational, and business layers. For each layer, you will describe the issues and concerns that are important to the success of the business with regard to IT projects, and provide examples that demonstrate the importance of the issues and concerns. The project deliverables are as follows:
    • Update the Human Element in IT Strategy document title page with a new date.
    • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
    • Behavioral Layers 
      • Evaluate the issues and concerns regarding IT projects at all 5 behavioral layers of the organization. 
        • These layers include the individual, team, project, organizational, and business layers. 
      • For each layer, describe the issues and concerns that are important to the success of the business with regard to IT projects, and provide examples that demonstrate the importance of the issues and concerns. 
    • Human Elements in IT Strategy document 
      • Review the entire document for any changes and improvements that you would like to make.
      • All aspects of the document should present a cohesive strategy, and each weekly topic should coincide with the other weeks.
      • Ensure that this final version of the document is sufficiently detailed to allow the organization to confidently move forward with the strategy for taking the human elements of the IT organization into account during projects.
      • Any previous instructor feedback should be addressed with appropriate changes.