Silicon Valley College Week 6 Problem Diagnosis Discussion

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(W6) Discussion

(W6) Discussion

One of the benefits of employing a management consultant is the value they add to the client with their expertise as a diagnostician. The process utilized to complete an accurate diagnosis often strains the consultant-client relationship. Both parties might be fearful of uncovering difficult situations during the process. The successful completion of an effective problem diagnosis requires an examination of the external environment, the technology, the economics of the business, the behavior of all members of the organization and the corporate culture. The consultant is tasked with asking the tough questions to managers that can lead to the managers having to justify why they made certain choices or ignored certain factors that appeared to be important.

  1. Discuss how you would convince the client that this diagnosis process is necessary. Identify and support at least three reasons you would give to the client to make your case.
  2. How would you ensure that members of the client’s team are part of the diagnostic process? What tasks would you assign them and why?
  3. Explain how you would present to the client negative information you uncovered in the diagnostic process which should have been addressed previously.