In what ways did Western Europe change socially, culturally, religiously, and economically between 1500 and 1800?

In what ways did Western Europe change socially, culturally, religiously, and economically
between 1500 and 1800?

HIS 102.60 Spring 2020 Midterm Exam
Welcome to the Midterm Exam! These are the four questions that I have tasked you to answer.
Remember, the exam is due no later than 11:59 on March 7. Late exams will suffer a penalty
to their grade.
Two things to note: First, your answers to these questions have no set length – they can be as
long or as short as you feel they need to be in order to properly answer the prompt – but I would
suggest a 4-6 paragraph length as being a good gauge for when enough is enough. Some answers
will be shorter, some longer, do not stress about that. Just be sure you read the questions fully
and answer all parts of them in order to receive full credit. Second: be sure to use the readings to
help support your answers! I will be grading in part based on how well you incorporate the work
we have done with our reading into your responses to this exam.
Good Luck! If you have any questions, I am available to answer them via the course email.
1. Compare and contrast the French Revolution with the Haitian Revolution. Consider the
causes, rationale for, scope, and outcome of each Revolution in your answer.
2. In what ways did Western Europe change socially, culturally, religiously, and economically
between 1500 and 1800?
3. What was ‘The King’s Great Matter’ in England, and how did it lead to the creation of a
Protestant Church in England?
4. What were the aims of an absolutist monarch, and how did they cement their hold on power in
the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?