How does the FDA regulate complementary and alternative medications (EXPLAIN) (herbals and dietary supplements, not therapies like acupuncture, aromatherapy, or magnetic therapy?
Alternative Medications
- How does the FDA regulate complementary and alternative medications (EXPLAIN) (herbals and dietary supplements, not therapies like acupuncture, aromatherapy, or magnetic therapy?(GIVE AN EXAMPLE)
- Some patients are hesitant to divulge their use of alternative medications to health care practitioners. How would you ask a patient about his or her use of alternative medications? (EXPLAIN THIS FROM A HEALTHCARE PROFESSION STANDPOINT. FOR EXAMPLE IF YOU WERE A NURSE PRACTIONER ASKING A PATIENT ABOUT IF THEY USE ALTERNATIVE MEDICATION AND GIVE AN EXAMPLE)
- If a patient does divulge his or her use of alternative medications, how would you react? (EXPLAIN AND GIVE AN EXAMPLE)
- What are your opinions of alternative medications? (GIVE AN EXAMPLE)
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