Global Health Short Answer Essay


Hi here is the information about this assignment,

Short Answer Essay consists of two parts. Please complete both.

Respond to the following:

(Related to Ch 18) Visit Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health

(1a) What are the major challenges to infant and child health worldwide? Refer to your textbook and complete brief outside research. Identify and describe 2 major challenges worldwide.

(1b) What are the major interventions that are saving millions of neonatal, infant, child, and adolescent lives each year? Refer to your textbook and complete brief outside research. Identify and describe in detail 1 intervention targeted for neonatal, infant, child, or adolescent health. The intervention can be worldwide or an approach employed by a specific country.

(Related to Ch 19) Visit Ageing and Life Course and Global Aging

(2a) What are the major challenges to health in older adult populations worldwide? Refer to your textbook and complete brief outside research. Identify and describe 2 major challenges worldwide.

(2b) What are the major interventions that are extending healthy life expectancies for older adults? Refer to your textbook and complete brief outside research. Identify and describe in detail 1 intervention targeted for older adult health. The intervention can be worldwide or an approach employed by a specific country.