Do children walk or bus to school? Do parents transport their children to school?
For Assignment 3, please do the following: Review all requirements in the left-hand column of the rubric below. Click on the Enter Sentinel City link on the course homepage and continue your Virtual Experience by taking a bus tour of Sentinel City. Since this is your third tour, feel free to choose any bus speed and/or get off the bus at any time to walk around. After your tour is complete, compile your observations into a 2-4-page paper, with at least 2 scholarly references, addressing each item listed in the first column of the Assignment 3 Rubric. You are encouraged to add other relevant characteristics you observe that may not be listed in the first column. As you take the tour, write down your observations, specifically focused on the following subsystems: education, recreation, and politics and government. For more information, please review the required demographics and subsystems listed in the left-hand column of the Assignment 3 Rubric. Meet with Mayor Hill to discuss the subsystems: Education, recreation, and politics and government. If you have any additional questions about this, or any of the other assignments, please post a message to your Instructor in the Course Help forum at the top of the course in the Course Communications section. Assignment 3 Rubric Subsystem 4: Education 20 points 16 points 12 points 0 points Total Observations Number of public or private school. Do children walk or bus to school? Do parents transport their children to school? Public and/or private daycare centers or preschools. K-12 and higher education options All of the listed observations are clearly addressed and discussed in a comprehensive and detailed manner with 2 or more specific examples. Additional issues, not listed are addressed. Two or less of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth. Three to four of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth. Not addressed 20 Observations Parks, playgrounds, basketball courts, bike/walking paths. Public or private recreation or youth centers. All of the listed observations are clearly addressed and discussed in a comprehensive and detailed manner with 2 or more specific examples. Additional issues, not listed are addressed. Two or less of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth. Three to four of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth. Not addressed 20 Competency 10 points 7 points 4 points 0 points Total Discuss 3 examples of how recreation can support communities Discusses 3 examples of how recreation can support communities Discusses 2 examples of how recreation can support communities Discusses 1 example of how recreation can support communities Does not discuss how recreation can support communities 10 Subsystem 6: Politics and Government 20 points 16 points 12 points 0 points Total Observations What signs of political activity do you see (e.g. posters, meetings)? What building(s) give you an indication of active government? Why? All of the listed observations are clearly addressed and discussed in a comprehensive and detailed manner with 2 or more specific examples. Additional issues, not listed are addressed. Two or less of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth. Three to four of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth. Five or more of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth. 20 Competency 10 points 7 points 4 points 0 points Total Name the form of government in your community Discuss 3 politically active organizations within your community. Names the form of government in your community Discusses 3 politically active organizations within your community. Names the form of government in the community Identifies 3 politically active organizations in the community Does not name the form of government in the community Lists 3 politically active organizations in the community Doesn’t name the form of government in community and/or doesn’t identify 3 politically active organizations in the community 10 Competency 7 points 5 points 2 points 0 points Total APA Demonstrates competent use of mechanics and APA Minimal APA errors. Many APA errors. Complete lack of understanding 7 Competency 5 points 3 points 1 point 0 points Total References References are relevant, authoritative, and contemporary. Adequate references. Minimal use of appropriate references. Poor use and/or selection of references not relevant. 5 Competency 4 points 2 points 1 point 0 points Total Organization Organization excellent, ideas clear and arranged logically, transitions smooth, no flaws in logic. Introduction and conclusion present Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage good mostly consistent with Standard American English; errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding. Either introduction or conclusion missing Organization minimally effective; problems in approach, sequence, support and transitions. Organization does not meet requirements. No introduction or conclusion present 4 Grammar Grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage correct and idiomatic, consistent with Standard American English. Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage good mostly consistent with Standard American English; errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding. Either Introduction or Conclusion missing. Grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage distracting and often interfere with meaning or understanding. Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage interfere with understanding. 4 /100
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