Discuss the similarities and differences between vulnerable and underserved populations
Discuss the similarities and differences between vulnerable and underserved populations. Identify one vulnerable or one underserved population and address at least two health problems specific to these groups. Describe two factors that contribute to the vulnerability of these population groups. Identify three (3) key informants in Sentinel City. Examples of key informants include, but are not limited to: political leaders, health care providers, service providers such as mail carrier or shop owners; and long term residents of the community, members of fire or police department. People who live or work in the community are a rich source of information regarding the community and can often provide data not found in printed form. Your practice learning site mentor will serve as your fourth key informant. Provide a rationale for why you selected these people as key informants and include 2-3 questions you would ask all of your key informants. Include your mentors’ response to your questions. To protect your mentors’ privacy, use only their initials or professional title (i.e. school nurse). Community Health Nurse Go to the Scorecard-Pollution Information website (http://scorecard.goodguide.com/) and get the pollution report for your practice learning site by entering the zip code where your practice learning site is located. (20814) Based on the report, include your recommendations to the city council regarding environment health concerns and recommended resources that should be made available to address the needs of the vulnerable and underserved populations in Sentinel City. Discuss other ways the nurse can advocate for vulnerable and underserved populations. See the Nursing Syllabus Standards & Policies Document for Discussion Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria.
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