Discuss the changing landscape of the US health care system through the ACA and specific initiatives that have been funded, enacted and currently implemented to improve health care for all Americans
-Discuss the changing landscape of the US health care system through the ACA and specific initiatives that have been funded, enacted and currently implemented to improve health care for all Americans -Message from the professor Hi Class, It can be very difficult staying on top of all the legislative changes that are out there. This is where our professional organizations play a huge role. It is their responsibility to notify their members of any pending legislation that can affect their practice. This is why it is the responsibility of nurses to join professional organizations that are compatible with their career. We are not always 100% successful in this, I know myself I am not always as involved as I should be. But as long as you keep making the attempts and helping out when you can you can help make positive change in your area. So what are some ways that you might be able to use work within your professional nursing organization to create positive changes?
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