Discuss, in first-person, how the information in the article and/or your analysis of the information directly relates to your professional or academic field
[Summarize the purpose of the research conducted for the article. Summarize the major conclusion(s) of the researchers. Include a few key details, and at least one direct quote, cited in APA style. Write this section in third person only. Minimum length for the summary section is 100 words.]
[Analyze the article in terms of the data’s relevance to the stated purpose of the article. Analyze the reliability of the data. (To determine reliability you would probably want to discuss whether the conclusions of the researchers are supported by the data provided. To determine reliability, you may also analyze the methodology, such as the sample size of the study group and how members of the studied group were selected. If the research was conducted using a survey, you might analyze the phrasing of the survey questions.) Also, analyze the objectivity of the author(s): that is, whether their conclusions seem biased or unbiased. (Looking for biased language is one method to check objectivity. Another method would be to check to see if the authors 1) include research of those who oppose the authors’ conclusions and 2) that the author(s) treat their opponent’s research with respect.) Write this section in third-person. Minimum length for the analysis section is 100 words. Include at least one direct quote, cited in APA style.]
[Discuss, in first-person, how the information in the article and/or your analysis of the information directly relates to your professional or academic field. How can you apply the lessons learned from the research? A direct quote is not required in this section. Minimum length for this section is 100 words.]

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