Develop a learning needs assessment that could be used in the learner’s present or anticipated place of employment (healthcare or nursing school setting).
College of Health Professions
MSN 7752
Needs Assessment
A need assessment is a specific type of survey that is critical to any teaching situation. It is used in the planning and implementation of learning activities in all settings.
- Develop a learning needs assessment that could be used in the learner’s present or anticipated place of employment (healthcare or nursing school setting).
- Define the target population
- Discuss the difference between learner and organizational needs.
- Discuss how you would analyze the perceived needs of the learner and compare these to the actual needs.
- Explain how you would use data collected to prioritize learning needs identified.*
- Develop a method or instrument to determine the learning needs of a specified population regarding a specified topic. Conduct a review of literature to support your choices. Consider a philosophical or theoretical framework when developing the method.
*Adapted from: Panno (1992). A systematic approach for assessing learning needs. Journal of
Staff Development, 8(6), 267 – 273.
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