Describe the characteristics of the people you see in Sentinel City: race/ethnicity distribution, age ranges, gender mix. Signs of poverty/wealth?
Assignment 1 First Steps Please use the grading rubric to create an outline of your assignment. Each section of the rubric should be a section of your final paper and could become the headings. Your assignment will be graded based on each element of the rubric. Compare each section of your paper with the rubric to ensure all elements are covered. Then, include an introduction and conclusion to tie the paper together. If you have any questions regarding the assignment please contact your instructor using the Course Help forum. This week you will begin your Sentinel City virtual experience! In order to be successful in this simulation, please review the following: •Review all Sentinel City information available at the top of the course homepage. •View each of the Module Lectures. Once you have reviewed all of these important documents you may begin your virtual experience. You can access the Simulation by clicking on the Enter Sentinel City link located on the course homepage. This is the link you will use to access the simulation when completing each assignment in this course. About the Virtual Experience Your virtual experience will take place over the course of this semester and involves taking a bus tour of Sentinel City and completing a Windshield Survey as you observe all that you see. You will earn 20 practice experience for this activity. A Windshield Survey is explained in detail in the Final Project, but to summarize, it is a collection of subjective personal observations. It is your personal observations on what you see and experience. It is important that you are sharing your observations, not only relaying information from sources available in the virtual experience. In each assignment, you will be required to observe specific community core demographics and subsystems, as identified in the unique assignment rubrics provided. You will tour the city, record your observations, and submit a written response that addresses each demographic and/or subsystem listed in the rubric. It is essential that you review the rubric before beginning each assignment, as the rubric will identify what you should look for while in the simulation. Assignment 1 Criteria For Assignment 1, please do the following: 1.Review all requirements in the Assignment 1 Rubric below. 2.Click on the Enter Sentinel City link in Module 1 and begin your Virtual Experience by taking a bus tour of Sentinel City. Since this is your first tour, please select the slowest speed and stay on the bus the entire time at least once before getting off the bus. 3.As you take the tour, write down your observations, specifically, those that align with the demographics and/or subsystems listed in the left-hand column of the Assignment 1 Rubric. 4.After your tour is complete, compile your observations into a 2-4 page paper, with at least 2 scholarly references, addressing each item listed in the first column of the Assignment 1 Rubric. You are encouraged to add other relevant characteristics you observe that may not be listed in the first column. Note: The demographic information available in the virtual setting is not considered one of your scholarly sources. If you have any additional questions about this, or any of the other assignments, please post a message to your Instructor in the Course Help forum at the top of the course in the Course Communications section. BSN 432 – Assignment 1 Community Core 20 points 15 points 10 points 0 points Total Observations Describe the characteristics of the people you see in Sentinel City: race/ethnicity distribution, age ranges, gender mix. Signs of poverty/wealth? Who do you see on the streets-parent with a child, teens, couples, disabled persons? Anyone in the city you would not expect to see? Homeless persons, beggars, etc.? Dogs on or off leash, other animals? Churches or denominations? All of the listed observations are clearly addressed and discussed in a comprehensive and detailed manner with 2 or more specific examples. Additional issues, not listed are addressed. Two or less of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth Three to four of the listed observations are not present or discussed in depth. Not addressed 20 Target Population Select a target population of interest within Sentinel City. Discuss relevant demographic data and health status indicators for your chosen population group. All of the listed elements in the far-left column are clearly addressed and discussed in a comprehensive and detailed manner using 2 or more specific examples. Additional issues, not listed are addressed. Two or less of the elements listed in far-left column are not present or discussed in depth. Three to four of the listed elements in far-left column are not present or discussed in depth. Not addressed 20 Examines major health concerns for target population. Examines major health concerns for target population. Describes major health concerns for target population Identifies major health concerns for target population Not addressed 20 Create four SMART goals based upon CDC and Healthy People 2020 information in relation to major health concerns for your selected target population. All goals are addressed in relation to major health concerns for your selected target population One of the goals is not present or discussed in depth. Two of the goals are not present or discussed in depth Not addressed 20 Competency 7 points 5 points 2 points 0 points Total APA Demonstrates competent use of mechanics and APA. Minimal APA errors. Many APA errors. Not addressed 7 Competency 5 points 3 points 1 point 0 points Total References References are relevant, authoritative, and contemporary. Adequate references Minimal use of appropriate references. Not addressed 5 Competency 4 points 2 points 1 point 0 points Total Organization Organization excellent, ideas clear and arranged logically, transitions smooth, no flaws in logic. Introduction and Conclusion present Organization good; ideas usually clear and arranged in acceptable sequence; transitions usually smooth, good support Organization minimally effective; problems in approach, sequence, support and transitions. Not addressed 4 Grammar Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage correct and idiomatic, consistent with Standard American English. Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage good mostly consistent with Standard American English; errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding. Grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage distracting and often interfere with meaning or understanding. 4 100
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