Create a graphic representation to illustrate the similarities and differences between the servant leadership principles of Greenleaf and those in the Bible passages
Use Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership in “What Is Servant Leadership?” and the Bible passages in “Biblical Servant Leadership References” for this assignment. Create a graphic representation to illustrate the similarities and differences between the servant leadership principles of Greenleaf and those in the Bible passages. Write a summary of how both Greenleaf and the Bible call people to serve, and discuss how one feels when called to serve as a leader. In your summary, include discussion of the following: Similarities and differences between Greenleaf’s servant leadership and the Bible passages. Describe how this will impact your personal approach to leadership. The idea that power comes from giving it away and putting oneself in the position to serve others. Using Matthew 20:20-28 and Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership as a basis, explain how taking the role of a servant can make one a leader. Provide specific examples from scripture and supporting citations from the readings related to Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership to strengthen your ideas and claims. Use APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
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