Choose a 1-page excerpt from the Assignment or Discussion on which you would like feedback. Select a previously submitted Assignment or Discussion from a previous course

Choose a 1-page excerpt from the Assignment or Discussion on which you would like feedback. Select a previously submitted Assignment or Discussion from a previous course

Assignment 1: Writing Workshop Writing Workshop Assignments provide an opportunity to receive feedback on your writing. To prepare for this Assignment: Access your Feedback Journal and consider how you will apply any writing feedback you have received thus far. You have four options for completing this Assignment: Select an upcoming Assignment or Discussion from the program course you are taking alongside this writing course (such as Foundations). Write a first draft of at least 1 page of the Assignment or Discussion. Select a previously submitted Assignment or Discussion from the program course you are taking alongside this writing course (such as Foundations). Choose a 1-page excerpt from the Assignment or Discussion on which you would like feedback. Select a previously submitted Assignment or Discussion from a previous course. Choose a 1-page excerpt from the Assignment or Discussion on which you would like feedback. Revise the 1-page excerpt you submitted as a previous assignment for this class for further feedback. By Day 2 Submit 1 double-spaced page (around 250 words) of the writing you are working on. Please paste the Assignment instructions into your draft so that your Instructor understands the purpose of the Assignment. Your Instructor will provide feedback by Day 6. The feedback will focus on the writing aspects only.