This course introduced psychological principles for enhancing self-understanding and interpersonal relationships with others by means of psychological research. An emphasis was placed on encouraging students to relate theories, concepts, and research findings to their everyday life to enhance the meaning and value of the material. The course supported development in the following areas: Happiness Human development (adolescents & older adult) Personal identity & Self (VIA suvey) Interpersonal communication (you with others) Communication & cross cultural communication: Intercultural panel Developing relationships: attraction & intimacy Mental health and illness
To receive full credit please write at least 3 paragraphs (3-4 sentences of developed, linked thoughts) and highlight what you found most meaningful in your class experience; be specific in your response. Utilize concrete examples, or good descriptions in your responses.
Also, if you wish, you may reflect upon your motivation. What could you have done differently to enhance your experience with the class material? Or, address was unanswered . . . specifically, what do you want to learn more about? Thank you.
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