Three hobbits and three orcs are on a river bank. The hobbits and orcs need to cross over to the other side of the river. They have for this purpose a small rowboat that will hold just two. There is also this problem: if the number of orcs on either river bank exceeds the number of hobbits on that bank, the orcs will eat the hobbits on that bank.
How can all six creatures get across to the other side of the river in a way that guarantees that they all arrive there with the forest intact? Try to solve the problem and post your solution.
Please include the following in your response:Refer to and integrate ideas presented in the text and any supplemental readings.Cite outside resources if necessary to make your point.Follow APA style guidelines for citations and references.
You will be evaluated on how well you demonstrate your understanding of the ideas presented throughout the unit, including assigned readings, discussions, and independent investigations. You will also be evaluated on the quality of your work: its academic rigor, how well it shows your ability to think critically, and how completely it covers the questions asked.
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