Terrain Awareness and Warning System (HTAWS) in the discipline of system safety application. Your research
must show how System Safety Concepts are being applied or could be applied, to an existing system that was
introduced after an accident occurred.
My topic Must be specifically on aircraft systems in real-world situations that were introduced based on
accidents. My topic may be on any system from real-world situations that were introduced based on following
accidents: Specifically my paper will be about the 2020 Calabasas Helicopter Crash and (HTAWS)
these elements should be included in your outline:
• Maintenance project design
• Design and development
• Repair and retrofit
• Maintenance program operation
Papers that Do NOT focus only on a particular system and not based on an accident will be penalized, as will
papers based solely on anecdotal information. My analysis must be based on a well-defined system that has
originated after an accident.
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