2 Questions (read carefully, they have different delivery dates)
1st question:
Social media has a significant impact in our society. How might this influence our social attributions? Explain. Does social media influence our internal attributes or external attributes? Why or why not? Which theoretical position best describes how modern technology affects how people infer causal relationships and the dispositional characteristics of others? Support your choice.
350-400 words
Due 6/20/2020 at 11.00 am eastern time (Florida time)
At least 2 citations not older than 2015.
Do not plagiarize
2nd question:
Does self-efficacy influence attributional bias or fundamental attribution error? Why or why not? Can this be mitigated? Why or why not? Is there influenced actor-observer effect? Justify your response.
350-400 words
Due 6/22/2020 at 11.00 am eastern time (Florida time)
At least 2 citations not older than 2015.
Do not plagiarize
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The post 2 Questions (read carefully, they have different delivery dates) 1st question: Social media has a significant impact in our society. How might this influence our social attributions? Explain. Does soc appeared first on Psychology Homework.

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