Read Ch. 10 of the text and the Hydraulic Fracturing discussion case (p. 321-347), and prepare a response to question 4 on p. 347: [“What are the benefits to companies of moving beyond compliance and developing more sustainable methods of fracking?”]
Read Ch. 11 of the text, including the Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal case (p. 349-392), and prepare a written response to question 1 on p. 392. [“Who is responsible for the Bhopal accident? How should blame be apportioned among parties involved, including Union Carbide Corporation, UCIL, plant workers, governments in India, or others?”]
Read chapter 12 of the text, excluding “David and Goliath at the WTO” (p. 395- 426). Also read The Carlson Company and Protecting Children in the Global Tourism Industry (p. 436). Answer question #3 on page 444: [What stakeholders would be affected by a decision to develop the hotel complex in Costa Rica, and how would they be affected? What are their interests and sources of power in this situation?]
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